Thursday, August 14, 2014

24 months

IT'S MY BIRTHDAYYYY!!!  Mommy and Daddy have been walking around like goofs signing happy birthday and asking me how old I am and trying to teach me how to blow...they are weird!  Anyways, back to my picture.  Grandma Ritterbusch picked out this fabric because this is going to be my very last monthly photo.  She picked out fabric that's printed with pictures from Dr. Seuss's book "Oh the Places You'll Go".  Cute idea, right?

So, here's what's new with me.  I am very much a parrot these days and repeat almost everything you say.  I get very concerned about where all my people are when I can't see them right in the room so I am often asking "where Daddy" or "where G-mma".  If you tell me they are going to the bathroom I will repeat "Daddy pooped" about 87 times to anyone that will listen.  I must be getting funny too because Mommy is always laughing at what I say.  Yesterday I was pointing and saying piggy bank.  Mommy asked if I knew what was inside a piggy bank and I replied "bacon".  She thought that was particularly funny.  I love to dip my food and my most favorite thing to dip is "chop-it" (Ketchup).  I love watermelon, grapes and raisins the best and am FINALLY drinking milk again after Mommy took my bottles away.

I know letters and numbers though they aren't ever in the right order.  I love when I see letters to start pointing and naming them off (I don't usually get them right, but it's a start!!).  I had so much fun at the zoo the other weekend that now I'm really into naming the animals that I see.  Those "Ef-ants" (elephants) on the backdrop really had me interested. Birds and Planes are still my favorite things to point out when we're outside though.  Whenever I hear or see them I put my hand to my cheek and say "I hear it".

I recently started loving my "bike-a-rides" with Mom and Dad.  We went on many while we were camping and they were so much fun!!  I love to be outside actually.  Yesterday I was helping Mommy pull "wees" (weeds) and even that was fun.  I try to smell the flowers whenever I see them but instead of inhaling, I exhale loudly.  And the weather!  I love to exclaim what type of weather it is out side.  Like "raining" or "wet" or "hot" or "cold".  Though I usually get it right when it's rain, I often get my opposites mixed up and say "cold" when I really mean "hot".  Same with "up" and "down".  I'll be reaching my arms up at you from the ground and be saying "down pees".

Mommy says she'll probably keep up with some monthly posts about me back on her other blog so she can keep track of all the cute things I'm doing.  So, look for me over there.  Thanks for spending the last two years with me here on this blog.  Love you all lots and lots!!!


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