Tuesday, January 14, 2014

17 months

Momma said its time to strike a pose and this is what she got.  I'm no baby anymore!!  I've got more words that she can count but my favorites are still Owl, Doggie and Daddy.  The other morning I was talking away in my crib before Mom and Dad woke up and when I got bored I loudly proclaimed "I want see Daddy!".

Now that Momma finally understands that I don't want her to help me eat (I can do it myself) I'm eating all kinds of things.  I love salmon, pomegranate seeds, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, fruit and of course cookies!  Some funny things I've been doing is hitting my head with my hand and saying "owwie" (while laughing), jumping (my feet never leave the ground but I'm sure I'm going really high and need to sit down when I'm done), dancing whenever I hear music, rolling my eyes and randomly laying down in the middle of the floor like it's time for bed (for all of 1.2 seconds before I'm up and running again).

Oh, and I almost forgot, my fabric.  This month's came from Bubby.  She said she got it because Bubby's pancakes are a tradition for the Murphy/McGrath's.  Momma also likes it a lot because slow mornings and big breakfasts are one of our favorite parts of the weekends these days.  We always have eggs and toast or pancakes or something yummy together at least one of the mornings.

Also, Momma wanted to show you all this picture.  She was getting the camera/lighting all set for our little shoot.  You might be wondering why I don't have any pants on and it looks like I'm about to take off my diaper.  Well, that's because stripping is my new favorite thing to do these days.  Pants last all of about a minute and socks are even shorter.  Momma lets me as long as I don't take my diaper off but as soon as I do that I go back into my jammies that zip all the way up and snap at the top.  Sort of like a baby straight jacket.  She's told me she's OVER this stage and won't be sad when I've outgrown it.