Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 37

 It's finally Spring!!  It was so warm and sunny this weekend.  I watched Mommy and Daddy work in the yard.  It looks like a lot of hard work to be a grown up.  I think I'm going to stay little for a long time.  Anyways, guess what I started doing this week.  CRAWLING!  Yep, that's right!  I'm a mover and a shaker these days.


"Whistle while you work...."

Momma's been teaching me lots of nursery rhymes.  Like this one: "This little piggy went to market....and THIS little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home".

A close-up to show of my baby blues....

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week 36

My oh my how time flies when you are having fun!  This week's fabric came from Mommy's friend Karen.  She works at John Deere so it was the prefect pick from her.  Oh, and, she's been saving it until spring when all of the farmers are out planting for the season.  Did you know that last week we had a HUGE flood by our house?  It rained and rained and rained.  Mommy told me all about Noah's Ark and how they packed up all the animals, two by two, when it rained really hard.  I told her that it was a good thing we had too dogs to pack up in our boat. 

Luckily the rain stopped and things are starting to dry up finally.  Daddy helped Mom with her garden last night.  She's excited because she's going to put some seeds in the ground soon.


Sometimes I have the biggest smile, but I can make my mouth really tiny when I want to.

"Woah Mom, seriously.  Are you about finished yet?"

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 35

Can you believe it?  I'm 8 months old.  I'm getting to be such a big girl. 

What's new with me? 

Let's see.  I'm almost ready to crawl.  I've been trying REALLY hard at it and I get up on my hands and knees but don't know what to do then.  I'll get it soon I think.  That doesn't stop me from getting where I want to be there.  I roll all over the place now.  Mommy put me down in my room the other day and when she came back I was half way down the hall!  Guess they need to start baby-proofing the house soon. 

What else, hum.  I still don't have any teeth.  I love to eat puffs and yogurt drops though.  In fact, if you put more than one on my tray I quickly shove them all in my mouth and start pounding my hands for more!  I've got lots of words now too.  I was saying DaDa about a month ago but now I've picked up MaMa and BaBa and DeeDeeDee.  I squeal and laugh if you toss me up in the air or turn me upside down and I love it when Daddy does "hot dog baby" and rolls me all over the bed.     


Mom, seriously, what are you doing up there?

Toesies are delicious!

I still love to stick that tongue out.

See, I still like to pretend I have no neck.  You'd be hard pressed to guess it from this picture, but I'm actually pretty small.  30th percentile for height and weight. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 34

Momma picked out this fabric because she LOVED it and because it goes so well with my eyes.  She had plans to do a lamp shade with it but that didn't work out so I got it for me!  I can't wait to see this one on  my baby quilt when we are finished with this project.  Oh and, because it's spring finally.  This weekend we went for a walk on the prairie path and I sat up in the stroller for the first time AND I sat in the grass with the doggies for awhile too.  Well, not on the grass really, on a blanket.  It's still pretty scratchy but Mom says it will get really green and soft.  I'm not sure I believe her, but we will see.


Daddy started calling this my "My precious..." pose.  I do it a lot with my Paci.  Mommy laughed a lot when he said it the first time.

"If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it...."

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 33

This week we went a little on the WILD side :O)  This cool fabric came from Daddy's friend Lauren.  She lives in Florida and she just had a baby too!  His name is Seth and Mommy keeps trying to give me away to all these baby boys.  I've got lots of boyfriends already and I'm not even 1 yet.


"Hi Mommy.  How much longer is this going to take?"

Ready to crawl?  I saw my cousin Kayden this last weekend and she's a movin and a shakin.  I'm not far behind!!!