Tuesday, September 10, 2013

13 months

Wow, I sure missed talking with you guys!  At first it was nice to have a break for taking these pictures every week, but then I sort of missed it.  I think Momma was lost without this project to do.  She says "no" but I don't believe her!  Anyways, I'm 13 months this week.  Since my birthday I've been walking (and running!) like no tomorrow.  My new favorite game is when Momma or Daddy chase me around the house and tickle me.  I'm really starting to know what I like and what I don't and I certainly don't like it when I have to do things that weren't my idea.  Like sitting down the bathtub.  That's silliness to me.  I love to stand and walk and even though the tub is slippery, I want to walk there too!!  Momma says nope, tubs are for sitting.

I eat a lot these days too!  Sometimes for breakfast I eat and whole egg and toast all by myself.  I eat lots of big people food these days too.  I wear my shoes without crying and I drink real milk now too.  I still take two naps a day (most days) and I sleep nearly 12 hours a night.  I love to pet the doggies too and Momma thinks my first word could easily be "dog".  We will see, I'm keeping my words to myself.  Oh!  And, I started to color the other day.  Momma got me some fat crayons and she can't wait to hang one of my pictures up at work. 

See you guys in a month!!