Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Week 24

Grandma bought me my fabric for week 24.  It's Winnie the Pooh and Mommy told me all about how I remind her of Piglet.  It's funny because she also said that Lily reminds her of Eeyore and Staley is a lot like Tigger.  Guess we just need a Pooh in the family.  Maybe Daddy?  He will be sad because Pooh has a big belly and like honey a lot :O)  Mom is sort of like Kanga....oh!  Maybe I could be Roo!  Nah, I like Piglet better.  Maybe the next baby can be Roo. 

I can't wait to visit the 100 Acre Woods too someday!!



"Mooommm....can we PLEASE be done now??"

"Bear hugs for everyone!"

This one nearly made the cut for this week's photo.  Mom had such a hard time picking.  But, the real photo she picked was literally the first one she took.  That never happens!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week 23

This week's fabric came from Mom's friend Nichole.  She said Parker (her son) picked it out, but what I'm most excited about is that she is having another BABY!!  A new friend for me to play with soon.  I'm hoping this one is a little girl all for me!  There aren't many girls around here, just my cute cousin Kayden, so I'm super excited to meet the new baby.  I know we are going to be best friends just like Mom and Nichole were.  Mom said that she's known Nichole ever since she was 3 years old!!  I'm going to besties with the new baby even before that, even if it's a boy (but I'm hoping girl!).


Mom thought it would be a good idea to try one with me sitting.  I've been sitting pretty well these days, but this one ended in a few tears.  Maybe in a few weeks!


Mom really liked this picture...it almost made the cut for the one for this week.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week 22

22 weeks!!  Mom says time is flying by.  Everyone had the flu this week (except me!) so we took alot of naps and snuggled on the couch alot.  We've been watching lots of Disney movies and trying to get healthy.  This week's fabric came from Patty, a friend of Mom's from work.  Isn't it cute!!  Lots of animals and cute colors.


"Woop....Gangnam Style"

"Hold on Momma....I gotta take this call."

"Who needs food when I can just chop on my hand."

Monday, January 7, 2013

Week 21

It's really feeling like Winter around here these days.  A few weeks back I saw snow for the first time, and now it's getting cold!  Daddy had to work outside a few nights back and Mom said that it was -4 outside.  Good thing I get to stay in my crib nice and snug.


"Woa Mom, seriously?"

"Oh NO she didn't!!!"

"Thumbs up, Dudes!"

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Week 20

It's 2013!!!

You'll never guess who got my fabric for this week.  She loves sparkle more than anyone else I know.  Mom's friend Lindsay picked this out just for me for my New Years photo shoot.  Mom's been saving it to use just for this week.  Actually, Lindsay just moved to NYC.  She left on Saturday and Mom cried when we went to her going away party.  I know that I am going to miss her alot too!  Mom said we can go and visit her in New York soon though.

I didn't take any outtakes this week.  I wasn't feeling very good when Mom did the photo shoot she we were lucky to get this one good one.  I was feeling pretty grumpy so I'll be back next week with more funny outtakes.