Wednesday, July 16, 2014

23 Months

Mommy had a hard time picking my picture this month so there are a few out takes at the end.  Also - she says she's sorry for the wrinkled background :O)  You're probably wondering what's new with me these days.  Well, let's see.  I graduated from my high chair to my own little kids table, but my favorite place to eat is sitting right at the big kid table with Mom and Dad.  I very loudly declare "chair" while shaking my head to convince you I'm big enough to sit at the table.  Actually, that's how I try to convince you to say "yes" to everything.  By saying "Caillou", "B-Bears" (Berenstain Bears), "Mickey", "Nack" (Snack), "Fire" (Paci) while shaking my head so you'll subconsciously say "sure honey" to me.  I've picked up a few funny phases along the way this month too.  I say "yes dear" like Daddy says to Mommy and "Siwwy Abby" (silly Abby) or "my baby" like Daddy says when he's holding me so tight I can't move.

This past week I went on vacation with Mom and Dad to the lake house in Wisconsin.  It was lots of fun but it took me the whole week to get used to going in the lake.  I started out very scared of it, but by the end of the week I was tossing rocks in and walking in waist deep all by myself.  That is until Lily pushed me off the pier when she went by.  Good thing Grandma was right there to jump in and save me!! She's my hero.  While on vacation I got to eat my first candy (thanks for the blue shark gummies Daddy!) and got my first "skeego" bites.  Those bugs are sure annoying.

I'm putting together full sentences now and eating great with my "poon" and fork.  Some of my new favorite foods are cereal with milk, "asauce" (applesauce), and the raspberries from our backyard.  I still love my swing more than anything and will demand to go "side" (outside) even on the coldest, rainiest days.  I'm an outside girl for sure, except when it comes to watching my cartoons.  Oh, and I can jump now with both feet!  Up until now my jumping looked a lot more like skipping...but not anymore!  And dancing, boy, that's one of my favorites.  Especially when Mommy and Daddy and everyone else join in.

Mommy says these two outtakes pictures really show my personality these days.  Does that mean she thinks I'm a little crazy???  Or silly?  Well, she's probably right.

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