Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 11

Happy Halloween everyone!!

Don't you just love my fabric for this week?  Beth got it for me and Mom was saving it for just the perfect time.  This weekend Mom and Dad had a big Halloween party (Dad said they do it every year) and I dressed up as a Cow.  You'll have to check out Mom's blog in a few days, she's going to post pictures.  Mom had also gotten me a Snow White costume, but it was too cold for me so I was a snuggly warm cow instead.  Tomorrow is actually Halloween and Mom, Dad and I are going to stay home and hand out candy.  I'm not really big enough to eat candy and Mom and Dad are hoping that some of our new neighbors will come by with their kids so we can meet them.  I can't wait until I'm big enough to go out, I think it sounds like a lot of fun.


"I'll take one more Kit-Kat please."

"Come on, just one Snickers...can't you tell I'm starved!"

Working on my Yoga poses...and giving a peace sign!  I'm multi-talented.

Budda Baby!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Week 10

This week's fabric came from Mom's friend, Heidi.  She said she picked it out because Daddy does construction and she thought he would like it too.  I also wonder if she thought I was going to be a boy.  Hehehe!  Mom and Dad really made everyone wait for that big surprise didn't they?


"Power to the babies!"

Doing the "Fran-lean".

I'm just one happy baby!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 9

This week's fabric came from Mom's cousin Karen.  Karen wasn't able to make it to the baby shower Grandma had for me, but Mom said that she knew exactly who bought this fabric when she saw it.  The peace signs and hearts were exactly something Karen would pick out.  I can't wait until I get to meet her someday!  She lives in Colorado so it might be a little while before I get to see her, but I hope she is seeing my blog posts.



Gross!!  An action shot of spitting up.  Thanks Mom...jeez!

Ah-Choo!!  I sneeze a lot.  And, every time I sneeze there are at least 3 or 4 of them.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week 8

In honor of the first day of fall, Mom picked out this fabric for me.  She said Grandma got it for me and she told me about how the little girl is named Sally (just like Grandma!).  Oh, and the little doggy is really named Snoopy but Grandma liked it because it reminder her of Ruby and Grandpa (Charlie Brown).

Mom says Fall is her favorite time of year and I have to agree.  Of course, I don't really know about any of the other seasons yet so I suppose I'll to wait a bit to make a real decision on that. 


"Why you hitting yourself?  Why you hitting yourself?"

See!  I do have a neck!

My sisters always like to help out.

I've got Mommy's tongue.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week 7

Check out my newest trick...I'm smiling now and Mom loves every minute of it!!  I'm 7 weeks old now and getting more rolls every week.

The fabric this week is extra special because mom picked it out for me from my sisters, Lily and Staley.  I haven't said much about them around these parts but I really love them.  I can't play with them too much yet, but I know we will have tons of fun once I get a little bigger.  Dad says they will be my best friends once I start dropping my Cheerios and spaghetti on the floor for them.


This picture almost made the cut...I'm smiling soo much these days.

See how chubby I'm getting.  You can't even see my neck and look at those rolls!

My sumo-wrestler pose.