Thursday, October 17, 2013

14 months

I'm 14 months old now and boy have things changed.  You already know that I've been walking all over so that's not new, but Momma did start brushing my teeth a few weeks ago.  I still only have 2 bottoms but she said I've got to start getting used to it.  We don't want another repeat of the shoe crisis!!  Oh, and I've been practicing climbing the stairs too.  We don't have stairs at my house so I only try it when I'm at someone else's.  I'll get there eventually.  Mom also switched me to my big girl car seat so now when we go to stores I get to ride in the cart like the other kids.  The doctor says I have to still sit rear facing until I turn two so I'm sure I'm missing out on stuff when we go in the car, but what do I know?  I'm just a baby!!

I eat lots of big people food now too.  Did you know that I can eat two whole eggs all by myself!  Last night we had chicken pot pie and that was pretty good.  It's fun to taste new things that actually have spices in them.  Though, I wasn't a huge fan of Momma's butternut squash soup the other day and she thought I'd love it!  Oh well, I'll try it again next time just to be sure.

See you in a month.