Tuesday, August 13, 2013

1 year! (Week 52)

Guess what happened this weekend.  Mommy and Daddy had a ton of people to the house and there was food and music and beer and PRESENTS!!!  It was a crazy day.  First I woke up from my nap and Momma put me in a poofy dress.  Then we went outside and there were new people around.  Then, they just kept coming and they brought these bright boxes and bags with bows and the crunchy paper I love!  I played with the kids and with some bubbles and then the really strange part happened.

Momma and Daddy plopped me down in a chair and everyone was looking at me.  They sang some sort of song (who knows what that was?!?!) and then they put a pretty pink and white thing by me.  Momma blew something out and then they gave me the yummiest lunch I've EVER HAD!  I want to have that for lunch and dinner every day.  At first I wasn't too sure, but then I realized it tasted really good.  Way better than that stuff Momma's always giving me to eat.  I ate a lot of it and made a really big mess.

Momma said it was my birthday party.  I hope we can have one of those every week!!  Oh...and I got presents too!


Mom's gonna have to work on these new standing up pictures.  She needs to get my feet in them!!  We talked and we're gonna back down from doing these every week here.  But!  Keep coming back because I'll be here monthly with a new picture for you!!  Heck, I'm gonna miss telling you about my life each week. I hope you keep reading!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Week 51

Gosh, so much has changed in the past few weeks.  I'm growing up so fast, and my Birthday is NEXT WEEK.  Lets see, I have 2 bottom teeth and a third one coming in on top.  I'm a full on walker now (though I still break down into tears at the very sight of my shoes...I sure do hate them.  Daddy says's its like jail for my toes).  Mommy thinks I'm close to saying words here any day.  I've got so much to say and she thinks Doggie might be my first real word.  Who knows...maybe I'll surprise her and say Momma first!  I'm still pretty little though.  I still fit in my carrier car seat.  I haven't been to the doctor yet for my 1  year appointment and an official weigh in but Mom did it at home a few days ago and I'm only about 19 lbs.  I can still fit in my 3-6 month onesies...but most of the time wear 9 month clothes.  


"That Daddy, he's one funny guy!"

This picture below is what my photo shoots look like most of the time these days.  I don't want to sit still at all!