Monday, December 16, 2013

16 Months

"Hi".  That's one of my newest words these days.  I'm 16 months old and lots has changed since we last talked.  I figured out how to climb the stairs and boy is that a fun game.  Going down isn't quite as much fun and I still need help to do it, but I'm getting there.  I can show you where my belly button, toes and eyes are and I finally got my first top tooth!  I've got 3 now, two on the bottom and one on top but I've got two more that are already coming in.

I went through a little stage where I didn't want to eat anything that Momma tried to feed me and it took about a week but she finally figured out that I wanted to be a big girl and feed myself.  So, you know what that means?  No more mush!!  I eat all kinds of big people food now.  Bananas are one of my favorite, but I also like apples, clementines, grape tomatoes, french toast, waffles, chicken nuggets and fish.  I even tried eating crab a few times.  It's not my favorite but Mom says we're going to try a few more times.

I'm getting pretty good at talking and can repeat most of the things you say.  I'm picking up quick though and talking to Momma and Dadda is getting more and more fun every day.  This weekend I said Owl for the first time (it sounds more like "ow!") and we're working on "love you" and "please" now.  I say "thank you" but I don't quite get the words out right.  It's more the like "doo doo" but Mom seems to know what I mean.

Do you like my fabric this month?  It came from my aunt Erin.  It has planes and trains and cars on it because she lives far takes all of those to come see me.  Love you aunt Erin!!!!