Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 45

Guys...I'm over 10 months old already.  Can you believe it?  Mommy's taken 45 of these pictures already and we are almost done.  Last weekend was Grandma's retirement party.  I've got lots of years left until I get to retire, but who cares about that!  I'm a baby!  It's almost the same as being retired.  I get to sleep and eat whenever I want and everybody else does all the hard work.  My job is to grow and play.  It's the life I tell ya!


"Wanna see a trick where I make it look like my thumb is in two pieces?"

This was a close runner up to the picture Mommy actually picked.  I was full of faces this week.

"Um...Momma?  I think I need a diaper change!  See how full this baby is?"

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Week 44

This weeks fabric came from Bubby.  She got it to represent the lake probably, but Momma picked it for this week because it represented summer and we did lots of summer activities on Father's Day.  We went for a swim for the first time in our pool, and I went on my first bike ride!!

My picture is just the teenyist bit blurry because I just don't sit still these days!  Momma used to be able to snap a few hundred pictures and choose the best, but not anymore.  Now she needs Daddy to distract me and we maybe get about 50 in.  She's gonna have to start letting me sit up here soon!  This laying down is for the birds!


"Momma...no more...please!"

Mom was so sad that this one was blurry and wrinkled.  It was by far my best shot of the day.

Moving and a-shaking!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 43

Guess where I'm going tomorrow.  New York city!!  I'm going to visit two of my favorite people.  Aunt Erin and Lindsay!!  Mommy seems a little stressed about the whole flying thing but Daddy keeps telling me that she's always like that.  I don't know why though, I love flying.  It's my favorite when Daddy tosses me up in the air and catches me.


I stayed still long enough for Momma to get two good pictures of me this week :O)

"Wha???  Don't you see I need a new diaper?"

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Week 42

Momma says I'm really starting to show my personality these days.  I know when I'm doing something funny and when I get someone to laugh I just keep doing it.  I learned how to do Peak-a-Boo the other day when I hold the blanket myself and hide behind it.  I wait for you to ask "Where's Abby" and I start giggling before I even take the blanket down.  I gibber jabber all day long and have tons and tons of stories to tell.


I've been trying out some new smiles these days.  That and I wasn't feeling very well when Momma took these pictures.  My tummy hurted so I wasn't really up to being my usual smiley self.

"Cha-cha-cha!" (with finger tambourines!)